Lesson #5- Sedinam is Almost 2

Dear Sedi,

The countdown continues. I’m so proud of the toddler you have become.

I just listened to Journeys song, “Don’t Stop Believin’,” and the lesson I’ve learned is don’t ever let life’s circumstances make you angry, bitter, or distrustful of what will happen. You are supposed to encounter things. You are supposed to embrace your emotions and those tools you gather when you best that obstacle. Take chances, trust the process.

I shared with Des via text that I’m still hopeful of everything. I didn’t exactly say that, but… anyway… Every Sunday when I watch our sermon and I see the photo of you, Miriam, and I that come across of church’s page, I know we are exactly where we should be.

“Don’t ever lose the zest that you have,” was told to me years ago and despite #ThisThingCalledLife I’m still an optimistic person; more of a cautious optimistic now.

Love hard. Forgive, but don’t go against your morals. Actively listen so you can make sound decisions. Don’t trust words alone. Enjoy life by doing whatever your heart desires. Those desires come from God. Listen and trust that discernment. Love yourself. And most importantly, don’t stop believing you can conquer anything and everything!

I love you my Sedi Bedi Edi!

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About Me

I have been afforded the ability to accept the many trials, laughs, tribulations that life throws my way and embrace them as much as possible. I am a mom, a lover of life, and person that reflects too much.
